How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Make Me Look Younger?

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbatson @ 6:22 pm
Doctor smiles.

Ever wonder how you could take a few years off your face? Cosmetic dentistry makes it possible. As the years fly by they can really show in the wear and tear on our teeth. After chewing untold thousands of times, the teeth can accrue chips, cracks, and stains that do not go away on their own. Luckily, your dentist can offer treatments to cover up defects and fix your smile up like new. Read on to learn about ways cosmetic dentistry can turn back the clock.

Teeth Whitening

Sometimes teeth have stains that just can’t be brushed away. Years of smoking, coffee, red wine, and foods high in dyes can take their toll and leave their mark in the form of yellow discoloration or dark stains. Fortunately, teeth whitening can reverse staining and leave your teeth up to eight shades whiter. Treatment options include:

  • In-Office Whitening – For amazing results in a short timeframe, in-office whitening is the way to go. Using high-grade whitening gel, your enamel can be significantly whiter in a single hour.
  • Take-Home Whitening Kits – For patients wanting to take the process more slowly. All you need to do is apply whitening gel to dental trays and wear them for a short time each day. A few weeks later, your smile will glow.

Dental Crowns

Crowns aren’t just for royalty. If a tooth is cracked, broken, decayed, or just not big enough to fit in right, a dental crown might be able to bring it to a new height of glory. Crowns are typically made of porcelain, though some are porcelain fused with metal. They can save teeth that would otherwise need extraction or protect a tooth vulnerable to infection. A crown imitates the color, luster, and shape of natural teeth, making it virtually indistinguishable from the rest of the smile.

Porcelain Veneers

Sometimes teeth are too stained for whitening treatments to resolve. Other times they are chipped or cracked and need protection from further damage. Often the teeth are crooked or have gaps between them. Porcelain veneers can be a solution to all these difficulties in as few as two appointments by covering defects and giving new shape to teeth.

Veneers are thin porcelain shells designed to mimic natural teeth. To apply one, a dentist will first shave a small amount of enamel off the surface of the tooth. A temporary veneer is then attached to the remaining enamel so the patient can practice and consider adjustments while the permanent one is being made. Finally, the permanent veneer is cemented to the tooth, resulting in a natural looking restoration that can last for twenty years with proper maintenance.

A beautiful smile can open paths to social and professional advancement and restore confidence in a patient who might have otherwise been too shy to show their teeth. An investment in cosmetic dentistry can be an investment in your future success.

About the Practice

Columbia Healthy Smiles provides the families of its Missouri town with quality dental care. Led by Drs. Philip Batson and Elizabeth Abe, the practice operates under the principle that establishing long-lasting relationships with patients through excellent service is the key to success. Services include preventive dentistry, restorative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, emergency dentistry, dental implants, and BOTOX. For more information on how cosmetic dentistry can make you look younger, contact the office online or dial (573) 875-7071.

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